Planning feasibility

Is it all possible?

We begin all our projects with an initial development appraisal and feasibility study. Through this first stage review, our planners will provide you with considered and researched guidance on the feasibility of your development aspirations. To do this we look at a variety of factors, including the site planning history, its context and all relevant local and national policies, and weigh these up against your ideal project outcome.

Getting started

This initial review really helps to flag the potential opportunities and constraints of your site, and is essential for enabling us to develop a planning strategy for moving things forward. It’s also crucial for ensuring that, if you pursue your application, your approach is prepared in a way that gives it the best chance of success.

What we offer

We’ve adopted a flexible three-tier offering to suit all budgets.
Our Bronze level is a relatively quick desktop study, looking at LPA policy and specific site planning constraints.

Our Silver level covers all of the Bronze level services plus a thorough review of planning history, an in-depth evaluation of site specific constraints such as trees, topography, and an idea of the appropriate size and location of your annexe.

And our Gold level covers all of the Silver level services along with a 30-minute zoom consultation – perfect for answering all your questions – plus a selection of unique design ideas and our most thorough site appraisal.


Certificate of Lawfulness| Green Belt| Mobile Homes
AirBnB| Certificate of Lawfulness| Planning Permission


Annexes are now a popular addition to many family homes to provide additional accommodation.

Mobile Home

NAPC provide a service to help you establish whether your mobile home meets the definition of a caravan and can apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness

Garden Room

Looking to install a garden room at your property? Unsure about planning permission or building regulations for garden rooms?

Talk to a planning expert

By completing the form below, or you can call us direct: