Tunbridge Wells Garden Room

NAPC are delighted to secure planning permission for a detached garden room on behalf of our retained client Curved Garden Rooms.

The applicant really wanted a garden studio, a quiet space away from the main house to use as a home gym and dance studio.

In most instances the proposed garden room would have been permitted development, however, due to the host dwelling being a Grade II Listed building, the garden lodge needed planning permission.

To complicate matters more, the site was also within the Green Belt and AONB, so a great deal of thought and care was needed at the planning stage.

Given the heritage concerns and the siting being with an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty design was of upmost importance.

The team at NAPC were able to advise on the design and materials, Curved Garden Rooms are more contemporary in style and the curved designs to the elevations add interest to the façade. This provided a clear juxtaposition between the old and new, ensuring the significance of the heritage asset was maintained.

The choice of timber cladding ensured the studio blended in with the garden context and really complimented the site, this coupled with a landscaping plan protected the wider views across the AONB.

With effective engagement with the case officer and a robust planning submission, NAPC were also able to demonstrate that the addition of this modest extension did not result in a disproportionate addition to the dwelling and protected the openness of the Green Belt. This was backed up by case law and appeal precedents that the LPA agreed with.

Planning permission was granted and the applicant will have their garden studio ready to enjoy it throughout the summer.

If you are planning a garden room project and need assistance with your planning application, then don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable team.

How can we help?

NAPC are able to assist you from start to finish, from an initial feasibility study to determine if a garden room is feasible on site, design input and planning drawings and undertaking the planning submission on your behalf.


Thinking about building an annexe, garden room or mobile home, but unsure where to start?

Book a Feasibility Study from £99 plus vat to get your project started and receive a FREE Annexe Planning guide.

It will equip you with crucial planning insight about your plot, so you have the best chance of success.

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01285 283200



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