Garden Room in Henley On Thames gets approval despite PD challenges

Garden Room in Henley On Thames gets approval despite PD challenges

Typically, garden rooms are allowed under Permitted Development Rights. However, this is not always the case. In the instance of this garden room, it was necessary to obtain planning permission due to the removal of permitted Development Rights. The primary concern for this garden room in Henley on Thames was to ensure that the impact on neighbours and the surrounding area was minimal.


Considerable thought was put into choosing the location for this garden room. Our planning team suggested placing it in the southwest corner of the garden. This spot is nicely shielded by tall, mature plants, which means that the privacy of our neighbours would not be affected. In addition, there would not be any reduction in the amount of sunlight that reaches their properties.

Within South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) policies state: that any development proposals should demonstrate that they will not result in significant adverse impacts on the amenity of neighbouring uses, including through the loss of privacy, daylight or sunlight.


The garden room was intended to function as a home office.  So we provided our client with advice on the ideal size for their annexe.  Taking into account the neighboring development pattern and plot size.  Given this, we recommended a comfortable size of 20 sqm for the annexe. This would ensure minimal impact on the surrounding amenities.


SODC states: all new developments must be of a high-quality design that reflects the positive features that make up the character of the local area and both physically and visually enhances and compliments the surroundings.

Our planning team collaborated with the garden room provider to ensure that the materials used were in harmony with the surrounding area. Additionally, it was crucial to ensure that the garden room blended in seamlessly with its garden environment. This involved designing exterior cladding, fenestration, and roofing.

Access and Parking

It was made clear to the local planning authority (LPA) by our planning team that there would be absolutely no other access granted to the garden room.  Aside from the current arrangements in place. This meant that there would be no requirement for any additional parking whatsoever.

The Decision!

We were happy to receive approval for constructing this garden room, after submitting a comprehensive planning statement and engaging proactively with the planning officer.

Typically, Garden Rooms do not need planning permission, but certain situations may change this. Our planning team of experts will make sure your garden room fulfils all the necessary conditions and avoids enforcement notices.

Need further help?

Contact our team of experienced planners immediately using the information provided below if you need assistance with your garden annexe application. Waiting could result in unnecessary delays and complications. Act now and let us help you navigate the process smoothly.

Further reading

For more information about planning appeals click here.

To learn more about planning and other NAPC news in the blog section of our website, click here.



Thinking about building an annexe, garden room or mobile home, but unsure where to start?

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