How to write a good planning statement


This blog explains how to write a good planning statement. This will be useful when building an annexe or mobile home and submitting your own application.  Submitting and obtaining planning permission yourself can be complicated. So it is important to understand the requirements for success. A key element of the submission is the planning statement. This planning statement will outline the reasons for the annexe the impact it will have on the surrounding area, and how it complies with local planning policies. These policies are set out by the Local Planning Authority (LPA).

How to write a good planning statement

A good planning statement is critical to the success of a planning application for the following reasons:

A well-written planning statement should demonstrate the need for the annexe. Granny annexes are generally built to provide ground-level accommodation for elderly relatives. Relatives that need assistance but still want to live independently whilst being near their family. Your planning statement should explain the specific circumstances that necessitate the annexe, and document how it will improve their quality of life. This helps to demonstrate the need.

Secondly, the planning statement must address concerns about the impact of the annexe on adjoining properties and their gardens. These granny annexes are generally built in residential areas, so neighbours may have concerns about increased activity levels or noise in the garden. This noise could be from an extractor fan, for example, linked to cooking equipment. Other concerns from neighbours could include additional traffic coming to and from your home and associated parking needs.

Provided that you address these concerns in your planning statement and detail how the annexe will be designed to minimise these impacts, you will be in a better position to reassure your LPA.  This reassurance will mitigate concerns from neighbours and gain support for your application.

Finally, your planning statement is essential for demonstrating the compliance of the annexe with your LPA’s policies. Every LPA has its own policies and garden annexes will be included in these. A good planning statement should demonstrate how the proposed development is compliant with the relevant policies and guidelines. These policies include elements such as size, design, access and sustainability.

Further support in writing a good planning statement

A well-written planning statement is essential to the success of your granny annexe planning application. This guidance should help you write one. Do get in touch if you are still finding it challenging.

We are a qualified planning consultancy that can prepare a comprehensive and persuasive planning statement on your behalf. We have a 93% success rate in handling planning applications and have worked with over 500 Local Authorities in the UK.

Call us on 01285 28320 for help and advice, or complete the contact form below.

Further reading

Read another of our recent blogs What to do if your annexe or garden room is refused, if you have recently had an application refused and are unsure of the next step.

Recent press article provides an example of a good planning statement

An example of a well-written planning statement is in this news story. A Local Parish Councillor raised objections at a planning meeting as to whether the granny annexe was necessary for a South Oxfordshire homeowner’s elderly mother. The 96-year-old is fiercely independent but no longer able to maintain totally independent living. This is due to being registered blind and her advanced years, NAPC were able to provide comprehensive justification for the annexe, backed by case law and appeal precedents, this was all included within the submitted planning statement.

Read the full article here for the full details





Get an answer quicker with a Feasibility Study

A one-off Feasibility Study (from £99) will equip you with crucial planning insight about the area you’re planning to site your Annexe or Garden Room. So if you pursue your application, you have the best chance of success. 

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